Efficient protection of graphite materials against corrosion & oxidation

Efficient protection

Nippon Kornmeyer Carbon Group GmbH and Fraunhofer IISB present their 2nd innovative and patented coating technology SICCOTA®.

The corrosion and oxidation resistant SiC coating can be applied to isostatic pressed graphite substrates and used in semiconductor production and processing steps along the value chain. SICCOTA® protects graphite parts from decomposition and corrosion in typical high temperature and reactive gas processes like SiC / nitride epitaxy and oxidation, resulting in longer lifetime and improved cost of ownership.

SICCOTA® - increases lifetime of graphite parts in epitaxy processes.

Find out more about all the benefits.

Efficient surface sealing

The SICCOTA® coating technology utilizes a dense SiC layer resulting in a highly efficient surface sealing of the porous graphite substrate.
As a result, the gas permeability of graphite materials is drastically reduced by sealing the surface near pores during the coating process.

Darcy’s Permeability tests (according to EN 993 - 4 : 1995 ) of SICCOTA ® samples show a gas permeability of at least three orders of magnitude lower in comparison to original state.

Advanced coating technology

Increases service life of graphite parts and makes semiconductor processes more economic

Protection of graphite part (avoidance of contact reactions)

High temperature resistance (>1600°C)

Resistance against corrosive, reducing and oxidizing gases

Wear resistance and excellent adhesion to the substrate

Low gas permeability due to highly dense crystalline SiC - structure

Applicable to graphites of different porosity & thermal expansion (CTE)

Flexibility in part size and geometry

Partial and all around coating possible

Resource efficient and environmentally friendly

Use of conflict-free materials only

Find out more about all the benefits.

Excellent mechanical properties

  • Cross cut test after DIN EN ISO 2409:2013-06 revealed that SICCOTA® is classified as ISO
  • Pull off test after DIN EN ISO 4624:2014-06 shows 8 MPa adhesive strength to the graphite substrate before failure of the adhesive used for the measurements

Coating morphology

High quality silicon carbide layer

  • The dense polycrystalline SiC layer mainly consists of cubic SiC (99.97%) and therefore is a proper candidate for protection of graphite parts
  • Contactless measurements of the coating surface with a 3D-Profilometer shows average roughness  Ra of 1 - 2 µm

Contact our experts

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Dirk Mützenich

Global Product Management & Sales

Phone +49 16096073490